Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Let’s be happy and cheerful

Lasst uns froh und munter sein

und uns in dem Herrn erfreu’n!

Lustig, lustig, tralalalala,

bald ist Nikolausabend da,

bald ist Nikolausabend da.


Bald ist uns’re Schule aus,

dann zieh’n wir vergnügt nach Haus.

Lustig, lustig…


Dann stell’ ich den Teller auf,

Nik’laus legt gewiss was drauf.

Lustig, lustig…


Nik’laus ist ein braver Mann,

den man nicht g’nug loben kann.

Lustig, lustig…


Let’s be happy and cheerful,

and be happy in god!

Merry, merry, tralalalala,

soon, it’s St. Nicholas’ day,

soon, it’s St. Nicholas’ day.


Soon, our school is over,

then we happily go home.

Merry, merry, …


Then, I put up the plate,

St. Nicholas will surely put something on it.

Merry, merry, …


St. Nicholas is a good man,

whom you can’t praise enough.

Merry, merry, …

In the middle of the fourth century, the historic Nicholas lived in Myra (today Turkey) as a bishop. He was very committed to social and charitable projects. After he died, he was sainted because there were many stories of his miracles. Since he did much for children, especially orphans, it became a tradition to give children gifts on his commemoration day (December 6). Today, children still wait for St. Nicholas' day expecting to receive gifts from “St. Nicholas”, sometimes singing this song. In the Anglo-Saxon region, it became a tradition that “Santa Claus” brings gifts to children on December 25.